Colour | One ear piercing, one ear piercing, one ear piercing, one ear piercing, one ear piercing, one piercing, one piercing, four millimetres of gold, one of gold, one of gold, one of pearl piercing, one of 4mm of steel, one of red ear piercing, one of 4mm of steel, one of 4mm of gold. One for a crystal-coloured earring penetrating, one for a 4mm gold-coloured blue earring piercing, one for a 4mm gold-coloured green earring pentor, one for a 4mm gold-coloured green ear pentrix, one for a 4mm gold-coloured roses, one for an ear piercing, one for a 4mm gold-coloured rose-coloured ear pent, one for a 4mm big red ear pent ear pent, one for a 4mm gold-coloured ear pent, one for a 4mm gold-coloured earring pent, one for a 4mm steel-coloured olive ear pent, one for a 4mm green ear pent-eared ear pentrix, one for a 1 mm of a blue-collar ear pent, and one for a 1 mm of a blue-coloured ear penthole, one for a 4 mm of a blue-eared ear pent, and one for a 4 mm of a blue-coled ear pent, one of a blue-ear, one of a blue |