Fashion is so light, so comfy, blue light-proof men and women.
Fashion is so light, so comfy, blue light-proof men and women.
Fashion is so light, so comfy, blue light-proof men and women.
Fashion is so light, so comfy, blue light-proof men and women.

Fashion is so light, so comfy, blue light-proof men and women.

ManufacturerGorgeous Gymnasium Ltd.
CategoryGlasses and accessories
Mirror materialPC
Mirror functionBlue light.
Listing year / seasonFall 2022
Product categoryThe mirror.
Frame ColourBlack. Wine. Tea.
Degrees100 degrees, 150 degrees, 200 degrees, 250 degrees, 300 degrees, 350 degrees, 400 degrees.
Glass structureFull Frame
Mirror materialTR90
Glass style.Ellipse Box
Mirror frame materialTR90

Product details

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